About Us
Location :
A Biodiversity Park (KEHATI) has been established in the area of PT. TEL’s factory location through the issuance of PT. TEL Director’s Decree No. 081/TEL-BOD/X/2021 dated October 18, 2021.
Land Area :
The land area of the Biodiversity Park (Taman Kehati) of PT.TEL is approximately 6 hectares.
Topography :
The Biodiversity Park area is situated below an elevation of 1,130 meters above sea level, categorized as a lowland or lowland forest region. Within this area, there is a continuous flow of a tributary stream along the edges of the Biodiversity site.
Land Status :
The land is owned by PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper, located in Banuayu Village, Empat Petulai Dangku District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
Accessibility :
The Biodiversity area can be easily accessed as it is located within the PT TEL Townsite.
Facilities and Infrastructure :
The infrastructure that has been built at the biodiversity park site includes the park’s entrance gate, park name sign, footpath, and other supporting facilities that are still being inventoried as part of the further development stages.
Lokasi :
Taman keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI) di tetapkan di area lokasi Pabrik PT.TEL melalui penetapan Surat Keutusan Direktur PT. TEL No. 081/TEL-BOD/X/2021 Tanggal 18 Oktober 2021
Luas Areal :
Luas areal wilayah Taman Keanekaragaman hayati (Taman Kehati) PT.TEL sekitar 6 Ha.
Topografi :
Areal Taman Kehati terletak bawah ketinggian 1.130 mdpl dari permukaan laut termasuk ke dalam kawasan dataran rendah atau hutan dataran rendah yang didalamnya terdapat aliran air anak sungai yang mengalir secara terus menerus pada areal tepi lokasi Kehati.
Status Lahan :
Status lahan milik PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper yang berlokasi di desa Banuayu Kecamatan Empat Petulai Dangku, Kabupaten Muara Enim, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia.
Aksebilitas :
Wilayah Taman Kehati dapat dicapai dengan mudah karena di dalam lokasi kawasan- Komplek Town site PT TEL.
Sarana-Prasarana :
Infrastruktur yang telah terbangun di lokasi taman kehati diantaranya gapura taman kehati, papan nama taman kehati, jalan setapak, fasilitas pendukung lainya masih di inventarisasi dalam program tahapan pembangunan lebih lanjut.